
Ooh ooh!!!  Teacher!!  Pick my program!!!  Pick mine!!!

Please, this site stays alive because people like you submit stuff.  I need links, tips, programs, FAQ's, articles for QB Today, and challenge entries.  Help me out!!!

First and foremost, all I programs submitted must be good.  I don't just put any trash on this site (unless I made it).  They must all be in .ZIP format, and be less than 600 kilobytes.  If it is less than 128 k, then E-mail me the program.  If it is any bigger, than you must have it on the internet somewhere, and you have to give me a url.  I will tell you if I think your program needs work.

Just have your site already linked to mine, and I link to yours.  Just give me the url over E-mail.

I need programming tips, they can be for QBasic only though.  You get credit for submitting your tips!  Just E-mail them to me.

If there is a question you think a lot of people want to know the answer to, then E-mail it to me.

Articles for QB Today
I take almost any article, as long as it isn't really biased or offensive or anything.  If you submit an article, you get credit.  Just (as always) E-mail it to me.

Challenge entries
Just E-mail the program to me.

I only take good tutorials, I'm really strict about those too.  Guess what you do to get the tutorial to me? (For all you Visual Basic "programmers" E-mail it to me.  But if you "program" in Visual Basic, I doubt I will want your tutorials...)

E-mail Josh at, or click the "Contact" button on the sidebar.