Questions that people ask over and over and over and going and going and going... wait, wrong commercial...

How do I make an executable file in QBasic?
I dunno, how?  Just kidding, you need QuickBASIC to make .exe's.  It is copyrighted software, but Microsoft doesn't make it anymore.  This makes QuickBASIC hard to come by.  It is illegal to download a copy off the internet, so I won't even try to put it up for download.  Your best shot is to go to some used computer software stores, yards sales, and flea markets.

What do you have against VB?
It's slow, it requires Windows, it's as powerful as my hamster, it's event driven, it costs a gazillion dollars, all it's good for is occupying computer techers for a while, and last but not least, it's made by Microsoft.

REM insanity checker
WHILE qb>vb
Microsoft$="doing stupid stuff"
PRINT "The world has turned upside down!!!!"

What's the deal with QBasic.com?
To the best of my knowledge, qbasic.com is no longer owned by mallard.  Someone called lion777k paid over $2500 for it in an auction.  Well, after the auction, it was never updated ever again.  Mallard didn't really update it before then, so everyone was anticipating an alive qbasic.com.  Now the only thing keeping it alive is the domain name.

Why don't you update your site more?
I suffer from a severe case of LazyButICanStillMakeExcusesitus.  Notice how long the name of the sickness is, that means I'm really sick.

Why is the chatroom so stupid and sorry and inferior?
It's only a temporary chatroom, I'm working on setting up a Java chatroom, it will be realtime and all that good stuff.

Can I have a million dollars?

Can I have half a million dollars?

Can I have ten dollars?
Lemme think... ummm... no.

Why don't you have an awards section?
Well, I had one on QBasic Galaxy, but whenever I got an award from another site, they would ask me if they could have an award.  Well, it doesn't feel right to get an award from a site and not give one back.  So that just makes the whole deal just a complicated link exchange.  I dunno, I may accept awards, but be warned, Spaghetti Productions will not ever ever ever make or give awards.

As you can see, I have few relevent questions here.  You can fix the situation by sending me a question a million times.  Or maybe just once.